Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Interview with Kyle Jones, author of the blog, "HRtoWho"

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

I was interviewed by Kyle Jones, author of the blog, HRtoWHO. I met Kyle back in 2013 through Google+ Communities, namely the HR community, as I was trying to expand my contacts (most of you already know that I'm in the HR field- or, trying to get into the HR field as I am getting my degree in HR Management). We chatted back and forth, with him giving pointers how to make my blog "pop", what he thought the best platform to use for your blog, and advice in the HR field. So, without further ado- here are excerpts of the interview. You can visit Kyle's blog to see the rest of the interview. 

KJ: Why did you choose Human Resources as your profession?
I was working as work-study at DeVry University in Career Services. Originally, I had planned on getting my degree in Web and Gaming Design; however, my former supervisor had asked me why I was pursuing my degree my Bachelor's Degree in Web and Gaming Design.

KJ. Why? What about this question gave you reason to pause?
That was it. WHY? Why was I pursuing something I didn't have a real "passion" for? I have always been a people person and I love helping people become a better person that what they are. So, we talked. I realized what I was doing in Career Services than what a person would do in Human Resources. I thought about it and changed my major in February 2012. Another "driving" force for me to go into HR is mostly the HR people I had dealt with in the past. They did not seem so "people oriented" and I wanted to change the whole stigma of the HR person. 

KJ. What have you learned that you would like to now offer as advice to someone else?
You're never too old too stop growing personally, mentally, and spiritually. I went back to college at the age of 37- I was a stay at home mom for 10 years.  After going through 2 divorces, I found someone who loves me and encourages me to always strive forward. Also- don't get sucked into needless drama. We've got one life to live....make it the best life you can! 

Questions for the day:
1. Have you been interviewed, whether it be for a blog, newspaper, etc.?

2. Do you have a blog? Why, or why not?

3. And random question for the day: what is your favorite snack? (Mine is Granny Smith apples with Ritz crackers and Cheddar cheese *and it has to be Tillamook cheese*)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Is fear stopping you?

Last week, I went to a networking "mixer" in Portland. I've been trying to get myself out there to meet other entrepreneurs because, as one myself, it's great to get contacts. So, I'm getting ready, doing my primp-y girly thing (you ladies know what I'm talking about) and I get an email notice on my phone (isn't technology awesome?). The email tells me that my "Facebook Friend" (and fellow blogger) Chelsea Avery (click here to check out her blog) and her husband,Ryan [click here to learn more about him]).For those of you who aren't familiar with who Ryan is- he became the YOUNGEST Champion of Public Speaking, at the age of 25! So, this guy (and Chelsea), are pretty awesome and inspirational!  Ok- now the "FEAR" creeps in....Chelsea and Ryan Avery? "I'm not going", I told Nic (my guy, partner-in-crime, foot-rubber, cheerleader, get the pic....I'm in love with this man!). He then asked me why. I then told him who Ryan and Chelsea were. I let FEAR set in, and that FEAR made the insecurity pop up like nobody's business. I didn't feel I would measure up to someone of Ryan and Chelsea's caliber. FEAR was telling me, "You're not good enough. Why do you keep bothering disappointing yourself by going to these networking mixers? You don't have the credentials behind you." Nic then asked me, "Do you remember all the times you took control over your FEAR? What happened?" He then asked me to make a list. Out loud. Sigh.

*I overcame two marriages/divorces and didn't let FEAR stop me from falling in love again with Nic- who ultimately is my BIGGEST cheerleader!
*I am overcoming my weight issues and back in April of 2011, did my first half-marathon. That includes getting on a bicycle and I have a 76 mile ride under my belt.
*I have 2 pretty darn well-adjusted children, who amaze me every day. FEAR had me thinking that my children would fall under the "stigma" of having divorced parents- maybe they would have issues with authority, or something like that (don't ask me why I thought that. Oh yeah- FEAR. Duh)
*While on a training walk for a half-marathon last year, I got hit by a car in which surgery was required. I just got back on my bike yesterday!

I didn't let FEAR stop me and I got to meet a pretty awesome couple, Ryan and Chelsea Avery, along with some other great guys and gals at the mixer. Here's me and Chelsea. Ryan was awesome and got this shot of us. :)

Questions for today:

1. How does FEAR stop you? Is it from being in public, or doing something you've dreamt about doing (but FEAR is in the way)?

2. Have you gotten to meet a hero, mentor, or a celebrity?

3. Just for fun- where is your favorite place to go, whether it be a restaurant, store, etc.?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Keep on keepin' on!

I posted today in the Being Active tab about how I'm slowly getting back on track, and keeping up with the 50 Day Challenge that Chelsea Avery began on February 24th, 2014. Wow! It's been amazing keeping myself in check. How are YOU doing with the 50 Day Challenge? 

I love this picture because it makes me think, "YES! You can do it!" and thus my blog topic, "Keep on Keepin' on". Yes, we all get sidetracked from something we're trying to do. The important thing is, if you fall down, pick yourself up, and keep going! 

Here's to wishing you a great weekend!

Thoughts for today (and the weekend):

1. What inspires you to "Keep on Keepin' On?"

2. Is there a friend, spouse, family member, etc. that encourages you when you fall down to keep on going?

3. Any exciting plans for this weekend? 

Monday, March 3, 2014

You are beautiful!

I once heard the phrase, "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission". I believe that was from Eleanor Roosevelt- but, don't quote me on that. I know I tend to post more on the "Thinking Positive" page of my blog. 

Through all my challenges in life, the one thing that keeps me striving forward (besides my relationship with Christ), is thinking positive. I am a sensitive person and my feelings get hurt easily, as many can attest to. However- I start getting on my pity party (like I did this weekend) and pout.

I recently saw this quote:

"When you are struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it is just as hard as what you are going through."
-Dear John, Nicholas Sparks

WOW! Talk about my thoughts doing a 360 degree turn, in relation to my little pity party that I was having.

Remember- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! You may be going through health issues, or financial issues, or even family issues. Keep moving forward. Life is too short for the negative. Keep positive. One thing I remember is this: somebody may be going through something you're not aware of. Sometimes, it's the hardest thing to remember. When you're going through challenges yourself, it's easy to crawl into yourself. By staying positive, you will shine and draw people to you and they will gravitate to you- thus creating a ripple effect. Sure, we're human and we all have our bad days. Chin up, friend! 

Thoughts for today:

1. Do you journal? How long have you kept a journal?

2. What is your biggest trigger that keeps you from a Positive Mental Attitude? Is it health, finances, etc.?

3. What can you do today to cheer someone up?


Friday, February 28, 2014


Hello everyone....happy Friday!

I posted on my Thinking Positive page about a 50 Day Challenge that Chelsea Avery (a fellow blogger and wife of Ryan Avery- the youngest WORLD CHAMPION of public speaking- at the age of 25!) had posted on Monday, February 24th, 2014. I accepted this challenge and you can read more about it here.

Can YOU accept this challenge? Yes, I know it's almost a week later, but it's never too late. C'mon- I dare ya! :)

In other news- another session of classes are done. I'm so thankful as the classes I were taking really challenged me.

How has your week been? I wanna hear all about it! :)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Saturday!

Well's Saturday! Hope the weekend finds you well. :)

I have updated the "Being Active" and "My Other Passion...Advocare" posts. Check them out!

Tomorrow, February 2nd, is Super Bowl XLVIII. Who are you rooting for? Me personally...I'm a HUGE Seahawks fan! 

Thoughts for today:

1. What are your plans for the game? Do you plan on doing a big spread, or keeping it low-key?
2. Are you a football fan? Who's your favorite team?
3. What do you do on the weekend to relax? 

Friday, January 31, 2014


I changed the links a little....

I want to stay focused on my HR Journey, my love for cycling and half marathons, and my Advocare business. Cheers....GO HAWKS!!! 

SuperBowl Sunday is Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Happy Thursday, ya'll!

I finally posted in both Thinking Positive and My HR Journey. I'm still new at this but I will get the hang of it! Of course there will be occasional tweaks that I'll need to do....just remember- practice makes perfect (or, at least, somewhat close to it, right?).

Any plans for the SuperBowl on Sunday? (Speaking of which- I'm a HUGE Seahawks fan!) I don't have quite a menu figured out...but whatever dishes I decide to do I will post in Yummy Dishes. So, sit back and wait for the awesomeness to unfold!